CONTENTS (PAST №3 2011) |
NUCLEAR PHYSICS AND ELEMENTARY PARTICLES | Spin ordered phase transitions in neutron matter under the presence of a strong magnetic fielA.A. Isayev, J. Yang |
annot. | Stringy approach to the Minimal supersymmetric standard model Yu.M. Malyuta, T.V. Obikhod |
annot. | Phenomenological description of neutron yields from actinide fissionA.I. Lengyel, O.O. Parlag, V.T. Maslyuk, Yu.V. Kibkalo
annot. | The time of simultaneous tunneling of identical particles through the rectangular quantum barrierL.S. Martseniuk, V.S. Olhovsky
annot. | Angular correlation a-particles in the reaction 12C(g,3a) at the formation of 8Be nucleus in the first excited stateS.N. Afanas’ev
annot. | On the mechanism of 4He(g, pn)2H reactionV.N. Guryev |
annot. | On 12C(g, N)11B reaction mechanism in the intermediate energy rangeE.S. Gorbenko, R.T. Murtazin, A.F. Khodyachikh
annot. | NUCLEAR-PHYSICAL METHODS AND PROCESSING OF DATA | Nanostructural deactivating agents selective to Caesium N.P. Dikiy, A.N. Dovbnya, Yu.V. Lyashko, E.P. Medvedeva, D.V. Medvedev, V.L. Uvarov,
I.D. Fedorets, N.P. Khlapova, D.S. Bakay
annot. | X-ray lines relative intensity depending on detector efficiency, foils and cases thickness for primary and scattered spectraG.L. Bochek, O.S. Deiev, N.I. Maslov, V.K. Voloshyn
annot. | Simplified transportation model of thermal neutrons through the matterA.Yu. Buki, S.A. Kalenik, I.M. Shapoval
annot. | Pure strontium-87 isotope in rubidium biotite from the Ukrainian shieldA.V. Andreev, A.A. Valter, N.P. Dikiy, A.N. Dovbnya, G.K. Eremenko, Yu.V. Lyashko, A.I. Pisansky, V.E. Storizhko, V.L. Uvarov |
annot. |
THEORY AND TECHNICS OF PARTICLE ACCELERATION | Broadband impedance of the NESTOR storage ring V.P. Androsov, P.I. Gladkikh, A.M. Gvozd, I.M. Karnaukhov, Yu.N. Telegin
annot. | Multi-charged ions sourceL.S. Glazunov, A.V. Zats, S.G. Karpus, V.V. Kuz'menko, V.M. Pistryak
annot. | NESTOR facility injection conceptionP. Gladkikh, I. Karnaukhov, A. Mytsykov, V. Skyrda, A. Zelinsky
annot. | High-resolution spectrometer for ”SALO”-project V.M. Khvastunov, V.V. Denyak
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ELECTRODYNAMICS | Transformation ratio at interaction of long sequence of electron bunches with plasmaK.V. Lotov, V.I. Maslov, I.N. Onishchenko, I.P. Yarovaya |
annot. | Instability of cylindrical relativistic electron beam, propagating in plasmaV.A. Balakirev, V.I. Maslov, I.N. Onishchenko |
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COMPUTING AND MODELLING SYSTEMS | Remote control and data transmission system for measurements in severe radiation environmentV.G. Batiy, N.A. Kochnev, V.V. Selyukova, D.V. Fedorchenko, M.A. Khazhmuradov |
annot. | Software development tools using GPGPU potentialitiesV.A. Dudnik, V.I. Kudryavtsev, T.M. Sereda, S.A. Us, M.V. Shestakov
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IN MEMORY OF O.A. LAVRENT’EV (in Russian) | Sources of thermonuclear neutrons O.A. Lavrent’ev, S.A. Vdovin, S.V. Germanova, B.A. Shevchuk
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