All manuscripts submitted are subject of the peer review process to uphold the scientific quality and validity of articles in the journal issues


The text of the article is submitted in duplicate in Ukrainian, Russian or English simultaneously with the computer version of the article prepared in the Microsoft Word format as a single file. Submission of the article in English is obligatory for the formation of English-language version of the web page. Besides, figures and photographs should be submitted as separate files, preferably in one of the jpg, tif or png formats. A separate file with the abstract in Ukrainian, Russian and English (each abstract should be preceded by the title of the article, initials and names of the authors, the full name of organization in the language of the abstract) should be also submitted.

The article is accompanied by

-  an official letter of the organization, where the work was done;

-  the permission for open publication of the article (only for the authors from Ukraine and CIS states).



The sheet size is A4. The margin on the left is 2.5 cm, the rest ones are 2 cm. The text should be typed in Times New Roman (Cyr) with a single line spacing.

The title of the article and subtitles are typed in capitals.

The title of the article, the names of authors and organization, as well as the abstract are arranged in one column. The main body of the article is typed in two columns, each being 8.0 cm wide. The spacing between the columns should be 0.5 cm.

Figures and photographs must be scanned with a sufficiently high resolution and should be inserted appropriately in the text. The figures and inscriptions in the figures and photographs must be well legible. However, avoid a rich color palette so that the figure volume should not exceed hundreds of kilobytes. All physical quantities should be given in the SI units, and all inscriptions and unit names should be written in the language of the main body of the article.

Formulas and equations should be written by using the built-in equation editor.

The use of pseudographics for table preparation is not admitted.

Large-size figures, formulas and tables may be arranged using the whole page width.

The article should be no more than 8 pages.

Article arrangement:

Universal Decimal Classification (PACS) number: font size – 12 pt, font style – usual, no indents, position – on the left.

The title of the article: font size – 14 pt, font style - bold, no indents, position - centered.

Authors (initials, names) and affiliations (full name of the organization, town, country, e-mail address, fax number, telephone number): font size – 12 pt, font style – bold and italicized, no indents, position - centered.

Abstract (in the language of the main body of the article, up to 100 words in length): font size - 10 pt, font style - usual, first line indent of the paragraph – 0.5 cm, position – across the width.

Text of the article: font size – 10 pt., font style - usual, first line indent of the paragraph – 0.5 cm, position – across the width. The words must be separated by one spacing only. The interspace between the word and the punctuation marks is inadmissible. The text is set up with the use of soft hyphen only (hyphen in combination with the Ctrl key). Between the value of a quantity and its unit measure there should be hard space (Ctrl+Shift+space).

First-level subheading: font size - 11 pt, font style - bold, no indents, position - centered.

Second-level subheading: font size - 10 pt, font style - bold, no indents, position - centered. There should be no dot mark at the end of the headings.

Figure caption (if any): font size - 10 pt, font style – usual italicized, no indents, position - centered

Formulas: font size - 10 pt, font style - usual, paragraph indention - 0.5 cm, position – across the width. Formula numbering is given in round brackets at the right of the line.

References: font size - 10 pt, font style - usual, no indents, position – across the width.

References to unpublished information are not allowed. On the whole, the following patterns should be followed:

Journal: - authors (initials, names), title of the article, name of the journal (in italics), year, volume and number of issue, page numbers.
Example: I.I.
Ivanov, P.P. Petrov. Radiation swelling of NiSc alloy NiSc // Problems of Atomic Science and Technology.Series «Nuclear Physics Investigations» (33). 2000, no.1, p. 45-49.

Book, preprint, others – authors (initials, names), title (in italics), town, publishing house, year of publication, number of pages.
Example: Ð. Áàððåò, Ä. Äæåêñîí. Ðàçìåðû è ñòðóêòóðà ÿäåð. Êèåâ: «Íàóêîâà äóìêà», 1981, p. 127-139.